Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Here Fishy Fishy!

Just having some fun today to try some different takes on Piranha and some other cartoony fish.


  1. wow these are great!! That buck tooth one is crackin me up!

  2. Really, really cool! they all have their own character!! Nice ^_^!

  3. great sketches. Fish are surprisingly fun to draw!

  4. Hey! i'm come from Oscar Martin's blog and i just wanna say congrats for your art.. sorry for my english

  5. Pablo! thanks for the kind words as always. These are fantastic! so much personality. You are an inspiration my friend!

  6. Ciao Pablo! How cool that you also listen to soundtracks!! Usually my friends go like 'Ehmm only instruments...don't you need vocals?'
    Do you have a few suggestions for soundtracks ^_^?

  7. Wow! What scary looking fish! Very cool!

  8. muy gusta q no recurras ala computadora.

  9. These are fantastic, Pablo. Water colors right? Beautiful. I love the top right and the "OHHH" face fish haha. Also thank you for your kind wishes. I tried commenting via the train ride, but my Blackberry didn't feel like cooperating.

  10. So cool :)

    I admire your drawing skills. I hope that one day I can be as good :D

  11. Ciao Pablo! Just wanna say that I included you in my list of fave blogs....and this comes with two awards hehehe. Yes I'm not kidding here (usually one award is given, I follow my own rules here)

    You don't have to do anything with the awards though, I just thought I tell you. Not that you will read the post and go like 'Why didn't she tell me?!?!'.

    Take care!

  12. Mel: Thanks man. Yeah that bucktooth fish had me smiling when I was drawing him out.

    TJ: Thanks so much. I was really trying to at least throw a lil personality in them. I think there are a few there that I could have done a better job at showing that.

    Jim: Thanks. Would not want to eat any of those fish that's for sure.

    Claudio: Thank you my friend.

    Justin: Thanks for the nice words. It's always cool to know people enjoy what I've been posting.

    Tj: Yeah soundtracks Rule. I'll get back to you on any recommendations.

    Oscar: Thank you. I should have drawn these out on Halloween better.Heh

    AVS: Gracias!

    Dennis: Thanks for the words. Nah I didn't use watercolors. This is all colored with Colo-erase pencils. It does kinda look like I used watercolors huh?

    Leona: Thanks so much. Well with everything it takes alot of work to be better or at a certain level...I personally feel I have a long way to go but it's a fun ride and I'm sure you'll be Artist Supreme sooner then you think.

    Tj: Oh wow. Thank you. I don't know what to say. (pablo steps to the podium to accept award and to thank the academy) They like me they really like me. Thanks Tj.
